Mosquitoes can quickly ruin an otherwise pleasant outdoor gathering. Their bites leave irritating, itchy welts that distract you from enjoying time outside. Mosquitoes are also known vectors for dangerous diseases like West Nile virus, Zika, malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. 

Many standard insect repellents rely on synthetic chemicals like DEET or picaridin. However, an increasing number of consumers prefer to use plant-based green mosquito repellents. These natural options provide protection while avoiding harsh chemicals.

Why Choose a Green Insect Repellent?

Green mosquito repellents use plant-derived essential oils instead of synthetic active ingredients like DEET or picaridin. They offer several advantages:

  • Green repellent is environmentally friendly and safer for pets.
  • Helps you avoid synthetic chemicals touching your skin.
  • These products are derived from renewable plant sources.
  • They are non-toxic and safer around children when used properly.
  • They often have a more pleasant scent compared to DEET.
  • They repel other insects like ticks, chiggers, and gnats in addition to mosquitoes.

However, it’s important to note that green repellents require more frequent reapplication than synthetic repellant options. Their protection times are relatively short, and the oils may also cause skin irritation in some users.

Effective Natural Active Ingredients

Many plant oils have insect-repelling properties. Scientific research indicates some of the most effective include:

Applying castor oil to the skin forms an oily barrier that can repel mosquitoes for up to four hours.

Contains compounds toxic to mosquito larvae. Research finds cedar oil almost as effective as DEET for certain mosquito species.

From lemongrass plants, this oil provides short-term protection. However, citronella candles or torches can effectively repel mosquitoes in an area.

Offers comparable repellency to low concentrations of DEET based on lab testing. Lasts around two hours per application.

Cold pressed from neem seeds, this oil contains mosquito-repelling compounds like azadirachtin.

One of the more effective plant oils, two to three applications per day provide adequate protection.

Has natural insect-repelling properties. Often included in essential oil blends. Provides a cooling, tingling sensation.

This affordable, eco-friendly oil shows strong repellency against mosquitoes in lab tests. May last one to four hours.

Testing demonstrates thyme oil can provide nearly six hours of protection before reapplication is needed.

How to Apply Natural Bug Spray

To receive the full benefit of natural bug spray, proper application of your plant-based bug repellents is important. Here are some basic steps you can follow to make sure you make the most of things:

  1. Always follow label directions carefully. Do not over-apply.
  2. For sprays, lotions, and creams, apply evenly over exposed skin. Pay particular attention to wrists, ankles, neck, and head area. Avoid eyes, nose, and lips.
  3. Reapply frequently, at least every two to four hours, more often if perspiring heavily.
  4. Allow skin to fully absorb the product before adding more. Do not over-apply.
  5. Adults should apply repellent to children, avoiding hands. Supervise use.
  6. Consider wearing a wristband or clip-on for convenient, hands-free protection.
  7. After use, wash the product off with mild soap and water.
  8. Using protective clothing along with repellent enhances effectiveness.

Other Green Mosquito Deterrents

In addition to repellents, eco-friendly deterrents like these can further discourage mosquitoes:

  • Apply neem oil-based sprays to shrubs and plants as an organic insecticide.
  • Burn citronella oil in torches, candles, or lamps to repel mosquitoes.
  • Circulate air with fans to disrupt mosquito flight.
  • Consider installing an automated mosquito misting system that periodically sprays botanical oils.
  • Install durable no-see-um mesh screening on patios and porches.
  • Plant one or more of these plants that are known for bug-repelling properties.
  • Release mosquito fish in ornamental ponds to naturally reduce larvae.
  • Remove or empty standing water sources to eliminate breeding grounds.
  • Use thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, or other mosquito-repelling plants in landscaping.

Shopping for Natural Repellents

Many top retailers now carry quality natural mosquito repellents online and in stores:

  • Amazon: Huge selection of DEET-free sprays, lotions, wristbands and clips. Many qualifying purchases over $25 ship free in the USA.
  • REI: Trusted source for eco-friendly insect repellents from brands like Repel and Natrapel. Good accessibility with online ordering.
  • Target: Wide in-store availability of plant-based repellents from Off!, Repel, and their in-house Target brand.
  • Walgreens: Convenient checkout with online ordering and in-store pickup. Look for Repel plant-based formulas.
  • Walmart: Carries major brands along with Equatestore brand natural repellent products at affordable prices.

Consider reading pest control company reviews to find the best pest control companies for your mosquito needs.

Are Green Repellents Effective?

DEET undeniably remains the most scientifically proven mosquito-repellent ingredient. However, testing shows that plant oils like citronella, lemongrass, eucalyptus, and others have measurable mosquito-repellent properties

While these green alternatives require more frequent reapplication, they offer a viable natural option for consumers wishing to avoid synthetic chemicals. When used diligently as part of a comprehensive mosquito deterrent plan, natural repellents allow you to reclaim your outdoor space from frustrating mosquito pests and enjoy outdoor activities.

If you are still looking for the best solution for your mosquito problem, I suggest checking out our guide on what attracts mosquitoes before making a decision. I also recommend reading our guide on the best ways to get rid of mosquitoes.

Want to use the stuff Danny Lipford uses? It’s called Repel, and you can pick it up at your local Walgreens!

FAQs About Green Repellents

How long does natural mosquito repellent last?

Most plant oil repellents provide one to four hours of protection. Oils lack the staying power of synthetics like DEET, so reapplication every two to four hours is recommended.

What is the most effective natural mosquito repellent?

Of plant oils, lemon eucalyptus, thyme, soybean, and lemongrass have shown the highest efficacy in scientific studies. Blends using several oils tend to be more effective than single oils.

Are natural mosquito repellents safe for babies?

Most are considered safe when label directions are followed. However, it’s still smart to minimize any chemical exposure in infants. Supervise applications closely.

Do homemade mosquito repellents work?

Homemade repellents can provide short-term protection when applied diligently. However, results vary. The EPA does not verify homemade formulas for safety or efficacy.

Where can I buy natural mosquito repellent?

Many major retailers like Walmart, Target, and Amazon now sell natural repellents containing plant oils. You can also find them in camping/outdoor stores, hardware stores, and pharmacies.

How can I protect my family from mosquito bites?

Using EPA-approved repellents, wearing long sleeves and pants, avoiding peak mosquito hours, and removing standing water sources are some of the best ways to prevent mosquito bites. Natural repellents containing plant oils are a safer choice for children when applied properly.

What are some natural ways to repel mosquitoes?

Planting mosquito-repelling plants like lavender, mint, marigolds or garlic in your landscaping can help deter mosquitoes. Using oscillating fans, screened porches, and eliminating standing water removes breeding grounds. Burning citronella candles or torches repel mosquitoes from an area naturally.

Do mosquito repellent mats work?

Mosquito-repellent mats like Thermacell products use heat to diffuse natural repellent oils into the air. They effectively create a 15 ft. protective zone around the mat, providing about four hours of protection before the cartridge needs replacing. Position mats near where you are sitting or entertaining.

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Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas

Expert Writer & Reviewer

Jordan Tyler Quinn Farkas is a globetrotting content writer hailing from the USA. With a passion for pest control, he brings a unique perspective to his writing from his early years working for one of the largest pest control companies in America. Throughout his early 20s, Jordan gained valuable experience and knowledge in the field, tackling pest infestations head-on and ensuring the well-being of countless homes.

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photo of Jeff Zoldy

Jeff Zoldy

Jeff is a writer, editor, and marketer based in Charlotte, North Carolina. He has been editing on the Home Solutions team for over a year and is passionate about getting homeowners the information they need when they need it most. When he’s not working, Jeff can be found at baseball games, golfing, going to the gym, reading, watching movies, and playing video games.

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