
Form Troubleshooting

We’ve never met a home that came with instructions — but fortunately for you, our form does!

Here are some problems that may arise during form submission — and what to do about them.

Can’t Upload Photo or Video

If you receive the error message, “File exceeds size limit,” when uploading a photo or video, you need to compress the file and try again.

You can submit a photo up to 30 megabytes, but anything else is too big!
Reducing an image’s size is easy when you follow this step-by-step guide that shows how to do it online or on a Windows or Mac computer.

These image file formats work best with our forms: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG.

Need to reduce a video’s size? That’s easy, too, when you follow this guide.

These video formats work best with our form: MP4, MOV, WMV or AVI.

Remember: Low-resolution images and low-definition video work well for contest and sweepstakes submissions — but please keep the high-resolution and high-definition versions in case you win, because we would need those to share on broadcast television, on or on our social media platforms.

‘Internal Server Error’

If you submit the entry form and the page that loads states, “Internal Server Error” or “500 error,” wait a minute, refresh the page, and see if that helps.

Numerous causes (such as too many users connecting to our website) contribute to internal-server or 500 errors. These errors are often temporary and quickly resolve themselves.

If refreshing the page doesn’t work, go ahead and clear your web browser’s cache and cookies, close the web browser and restart the device.
Read this guide to learn how to clear cache and cookies on any browser.

If that also doesn’t work, please notify us.

Am I Eligible to Enter?

Our contest and sweepstakes rules state, “the general public is not eligible,” and sometimes people ask us what that means.

Events are open to all U.S. (and, in some cases, Canada) residents age 21 and up — unless they’re our employees!

While a contest or sweepstakes is open to everyone except for folks tied to Today’s Homeowner, phrasing that as ‘the general public is not eligible’ is just legal language.

So go ahead — enter!

If you have a concern not addressed on this page, please email us! We’re here to help.